
5 star review icon
m in circle from Google reviews

“I really loved the online courses Grace offers! The one about feeding your teen and preteen contains extremely useful information about topics like the division of responsibility, cues vs calories, and the use of growth charts. And the one focused on how to tell if your teen has an eating disorder was very accessible, short, and not overwhelming. Plus it included great resources” ~MS

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e in circle from Google review

“We have been so impressed with Grace and her ability to connect with our struggling teen. Within the first two sessions, she was able to provide a safe space for our daughter to express herself and begin to unravel the issues around her disordered eating. Her courses and information are invaluable to parents new to these conditions. We are so fortunate to have been referred to her and lucky to have her as our counselor and guide through these hard times.” ~ EV

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lydia google review image

“As a dietitian who supports adolescents and their families with eating, I can attest that Grace has courses that provide great information for anyone seeking a solid foundation for navigating food and feeding for this age group. In the course, "Feeding your Pre-teen and Teen", I appreciate how Grace normalizes typical weight gain expected in teenage years with all the development that occurs in this stage of life. Grace also gives great examples of how to approach conversations with teens about how they are feeling about eating and their eating choices without creating a power struggle. The course also includes information for building meals and snacks with handouts to reference. A recommended resource for helping teens build a healthy relationship with food and eating!” ~Lydia

5 star review icon

“I took Grace's Anxiety Toolkit and Body Image Workshop and I am so happy with the support and education provided in each. There are extremely useful evidence-based handouts, grounding exercise audios, and resources provided. I highly recommend Grace's courses. They have been so helpful for additional and affordable support!” ~ AG

5 star review icon
r in red circle google review

“I'm so impressed with the affordable courses options! The Coping & Anxiety Toolkit has been so helpful for me, and there's so much value at such a low cost. It's been beneficial having a variety of practical exercises and strategies that I can practice anytime and when I need them the most. I look forward to checking out the other affordable courses!” ~ RC